Friday, September 11, 2009

When I walk around the city, go out and actually do social activities, or really any time something interesting happens, my mind always starts composing witty entries to make. Once I sit in front of my computer though, all creativity flees and more often than not if I can be bothered to post at all, I'll blather on about something unrelated or just post pictures.

I think the only reason I'm even forcing myself to string words together is because I'm reading Perdido Street Station, and the author's brilliant mastery of the English language has shamed me. I'm supposed to be an English teacher! Well, only by Korean standards, but barring that, I'm theoretically well-educated and well-read. Despite that, I'd much rather post 2 sentences in a half-broken 'endearing' voice, and then a link to something silly or cool on the internet. Maybe I should try harder to make a habit out of posting intelligently.

Perhaps though I should try to pick my battles. I don't enjoy writing. I do however, love my adorable children, and I suppose it's good enough that I'm even trying to record my adventures for MY MOM to read.

Jumping off of that meandering note, today's photo theme will be Art and Other Hilarious Things by Five Year Olds!

This actually isn't from my class, but from one populated by 7 year olds. They apparently make birthday cards and bind them together into little books on the day of a kid's birthday, and this was written by the girl's best friend:

There's something particularly awesome in that wall of text. Here, let me crop it for you:

From another kid:

Aidan, in my class, is super super cute, and weird as anything I've seen back home. He's basically a five year old Korean Steve Erkel. SO cute ♥

My afternoon class's assignment one day was to draw a picture of an animal they thought laid eggs, and to write "I think that ___ lay eggs". Obviously this girl had no idea what was going on since she never listened, and always just did what she wanted. Priceless treasures ensue.

My morning class is GOLD. Here's Ruthy's illustration of King Bidgood, currently residing in his bathtub:

Unrelated to the theme, but fuck it:


Extra bonus! A Korean baseball game in video highlights form!

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom is not the only one reading this, also former co-workers who think your are living the dream and are extremely
